Mount Pisgah Harnett traces its beginnings to the late 1850’s when some of the original church members who were slaves attended Prospect Missionary Baptist Church with their white owners. According to its deed, Prospect Church, which is located on the same road less than a mile from the present location of Mount Pisgah, was organized in 1846, but later changed to Free Will Baptist in 1853. The original members of Mount Pisgah Harnett would “steal away” when possible to pray to God and to worship more freely. Those meetings served as the basis for the members tracing the church’s history from 1860, which is prior to the end of slavery in 1865.
According to old records and stories passed down through generations, after the end of the Civil War, colored families were asked to leave the white churches and to worship on their own. This was one of the first steps towards the official beginning of Mount Pisgah Harnett Church. Mr. Neil McLeod, who was a member of Prospect Church, offered to let the colored use an old shanty to have worship service. Later Mr. McLeod decided to use the shanty as a mule shed, which resulted in the services ceasing. The members then began to hold services at Mr. William Holiday’s house, a log cabin located near Bob’s spring. In 1867, Mr. Jacob (Jack) McKoy was given an acre of land by his former slave owner, Mr. William Biland McKoy for the purpose of building a church.
The African Free Will Baptist Church, later named Mount Pisgah, was built with Elder Bright Richardson and Elder Bright Walter as its first two ministers. According to the conference book, Mount Pisgah was one of the first colored churches in the Cape Fear Conference. Mr. Jack McKay, Mr. Sandy McKay and Mr. Thomas Ryals were the first trustees. This is confirmed by the original deed that we now have showing that in 1891, Mr. William Biland McKoy and his wife Anna Stacy McKoy officially deeded the land to the church trustees. In the 1870’s, Harnett County purchased land in the proximity of where the members of Mount Pisgah were holding services and built a one-room schoolhouse for the education of the colored children. The Mount Pisgah Church was known then as Old Egypt. The school was named Mount Pisgah School. Mr. William Shaw was the Superintendent of the school in the 1880’s. Many of the members of Mount Pisgah Church attended the Mount Pisgah School when they were children. When the Mount Pisgah Church, known as Old Egypt, burned, the members were permitted to use the schoolhouse for church services until the church was rebuilt. The church was a spiritual oasis as well as a social gathering place for the surrounding community. People traveled from nearby farms and communities to be a part of the worship experience. They would often walk for miles to attend church.
Over the years, many souls were saved and lives changed as the gospel was preached. There were special services held during the year with revival being one of the highlights. Revival would be held Monday through Friday, with service often lasting late in the evening. The Spirit would be high as the gospel was preached, sinners would come to the mourners’ bench and the saints would pray them through. Revival would be followed by Sunday morning baptisms in a pond or creek, where the mothers would stand on the bank in white singing, while the deacons and the pastor would take each candidate into the water for baptism. The new converts would come to church after baptism and be received into the church as members. Homecoming would become the primary fund-raising event during the year. It has been held on the third Sunday in October for many years. Members would sacrifice in order to support the Lord’s house. Team captains would work with their team to raise the most money.
In addition, there were years when the member who raised the most money would be crowned Homecoming queen. In addition to Homecoming, the church celebrated Men’s Day, Women’s Day, Youth Day, Ushers Anniversary as well as the anniversaries of the Senior Choir, Gospel Choir, Male Chorus and Youth Choir. On special days, the church family would look forward to eating lunch at the church on wooden tables under the trees in the church yard. Easter was celebrated each year, with Sunrise service and children giving their speeches. Communion was always a very spiritual time for the saints to remember the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus Christ made for His people.
Over the years, faithful members sacrificed to beautify the house of God. Many hours were spent in prayer for needs to be met and for the church to move forward. God answered their prayers and He sustained them through very difficult times. As a result, the church was blessed to move from outhouses to indoor restrooms. Tap water replaced buckets and dippers; hardwood seats, dusty floors and were replaced by padded seats and carpeted floors. The raised windows in the summer and pot belly stoves in the winter were replaced by central air conditioning and heating. This was done at a time when many of the members were financially challenged. They had the conviction that if they took care of God’s house, God would take care of their house.
Mount Pisgah Harnett has been blessed with dedicated pastors throughout this journey including, Rev. Bright Walter, Rev. Bright, Richardson, Rev. Daniel Hicks, Rev. Steven McKoy, Rev. George Bailey, Rev. Arthur Lofton, Rev. Clyde McKeithen, Rev. Doug McNeill, Rev. John Shaw, Rev. Abraham Massie, Rev. James Elliott, Rev. John McKoy, Rev. George Ewing, Vice Bishop Clifton Rouse, Bishop Ulysses S. Wade, Elderess Rosa Burt, Elder Elijah Newkirk, Rev. James Randolph, Elder Jules Bradford and our current Pastor, Bishop Reginald S. Hinton, Sr. Many of our pastors were instrumental in helping the church to make tremendous strides. Under Rev. Abraham Massie’s leadership, the church experienced significant growth with scores being baptized. Rev. Elliott was very progressive in his thinking and the church grew significantly under his leadership. Bishop Rouse was instrumental in establishing Homecoming as well as leading the church to new spiritual heights. Elder Newkirk preached the importance of tithes and offerings. Rev. Randolph instituted a brick purchase program that was vital in the funding in building the lunchroom and fellowship hall. In addition to dedicated pastors, the church was blessed with committed deacons, mothers and trustees who supported the pastors over the years. The church would not be where it is without committed members who did not have titles but gave their unwavering support to the cause of Christ. Many hours were expended fasting and praying as well as volunteering at the church. God has continued to bless the church under Pastor Hinton’s leadership.
The church has seen its physical plant grow from the cinderblock building on one acre to a campus that now includes almost twenty acres of land, a house, picnic shelter, paved parking, fellowship hall, classrooms, a 700-seat sanctuary, administrative offices and meeting space. God added to the church membership as well. God provided provision for the vision as the church has celebrated two mortgage burning services, the first when the mortgage was paid on the first addition and the second when the latest construction was completed. Over the years, God has blessed the church to expand the ministries designed to bless the church and community at large. They include prison, outreach, marriage, singles, grief, men, women, singles, transportation, nursing home, care team, and B-3 Zone, our children’s church. The church continues its pursuit of becoming a full-service ministry, serving God’s people from birth until they transition to be with the Lord.
Mount Pisgah Harnett has celebrated many milestones, most notably our Sesquicentennial in 2010. It was further evidence of God’s blessings upon the church family. With humble beginnings in 1860, its story is indeed a dream worthy to be told. The Lord made provisions so that the church could embrace the dreams of our forefathers. With a dream and a vision, the church continues to press towards the mark ordained by God. Mount Pisgah Harnett is committed to preserve the past while embracing the future, as the church continues on its path of being “A Fellowship of Inspired Saints Loving God and Loving People.”
Sunday School - Sundays at 9:45 am | Worship Services - Sundays at 11 am | Bible Study - Wednesdays at 7 pm
Mount Pisgah Harnett O.F.W.B. Church | 145 Prospect Church Rd. Erwin, NC 28339 | 910-897-4514 | mp*******@gm***.com